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For approximately the past twenty years (20), especially from the year 2000, in Tanzania and the East African region, including Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi, agriculture has grown and grown very fast.


This is all due to the high-level efforts made by the government, various groups and institutions such as Jinfeng Chicken, the goal is to see a good image in agriculture.


The major crops that have been cultivated are corn, rice, potatoes, bananas, cassava, vegetables and commercial crops such as sugar, sugar cane, cloves, tea, sisal, tobacco, coffee, coconuts, peanuts and others.


All these crops have grown to be yeast and a great source of income to promote life for many farmers, however, many challenges have been emerging in agriculture that have become a major obstacle for many farmers, one of which is the availability of good fertilizers, good crop seeds, good management of farms, and the availability of fertilizers and other agricultural materials on time.


Considering all this is why it has led Jinfeng Kuku to expand its scope and expand our service to agriculture, Jinfeng Kuku has decided to get involved with agriculture in various fields, one to help bring better farming methods to the farmer, and second to help solve the various challenges that arise for farmers.


Jinfeng KuKu, we are growing  the following crops:

1. Cultivation of watermelons, one of the most important fruits for human life is watermelon, there are important things that are available such as minerals, vitamins and nourishing calories especially during the hot season.


Sesame: in the growth of the world economy, sesame is one of the most important crops in commercial crops, there are not many people who cultivate sesame. Yes, Jinfeng Kuku has decided to cultivate sesame to attract farmers to engage in sesame cultivation because it has great benefits, especially in the foreign market.


3. Sunflower cultivation: many people have not yet been aware of the importance of sunflower cultivation in the world market.

Sunflower has become very important in the foreign market because the business of edible oil has grown very large and thus led to the need for sunflower on a very large scale. For example, China has had a very high demand and a large amount of sunflower oil, and that is why we have decided to cultivate sunflower to push the farmers And others to encourage sunflower farmers as we strive to expand the foreign market which will become the support of many farmers.


Jinfeng kuku's main goal to get involved in agriculture, one is to provide an opportunity to investigate and research the agriculture we cultivate by developing it further.

Second, it is a field to solve the challenges that arise in these farms.


Third, looking for a wider foreign market that will benefit many farmers.


Fourth, to support the availability of good improved seeds for the required crops.


Fifth, the beginning of these three farms is a continuation of other farms that we are in the process of researching and investigating how they can be cultivated efficiently and with high efficiency. And how can they enter the foreign market at a good price that will benefit the farmer.

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